
Friday, April 17, 2020

Pandemic 2020

April 9, 2020 – Pandemic
There is much to write about but not much writing in me. While others have been inspired to write poetry, to give of themselves and find great strength and new wisdom in this experience. I have none of that. I’m just mostly trying to be sane and get by. Maybe something will come later. For now, I’m just taking care of myself and Don and keeping my environment sort of clean. To be sure there has been plenty to keep my busy. We closed up our house in Texas, drove for 3 days and opened our house in Minnesota which does feel much safer. The drive north was nerve wracking for me anyway. We had to spend 2 nights in hotels. We mostly ate food that we brought with us. We had to stop for gas and use public restrooms. Went through a lot of Clorox Wipes and left most gas pumps cleaner than we found them. Then we drove through winter weather through half of Missouri, Iowa and Southern Minnesota. Made for a long day but we were bound and determined not to spend another night in a motel. Brother Dick traveled with us till Mason City. He was towing his little camper which didn’t want to trail well so we mostly drove around 62 MPH. We were towing a trailer too, so had to stop for gas about twice as often as we would have with just the car. We made it and it’s been almost a week and none of us are sick so it looks like we made it. 

April 17, 2020
Today, I combed my hair when I got dressed because the Culligan man came to service the water softener. I wonder how long it will take whenever this is all over for me to stop washing my hands like I’m preparing to perform surgery. My personal care has slacked off. There is no reason to wear a bra anymore and I occasionally remember to comb my hair. I no longer bother blowing it dry and try to bathe every other day whether I need it or not.  I really haven’t left this house since we got home except to go get the mail. Don, however, makes occasional trips to buy groceries or to purchase materials for the construction project we have going on in the basement to create a wood shop out of the dungeon area which is below our garage. We have daily contact with our children and grandchildren (which now number 3)
Jett - The big sister
 Andalusia Yseult Schlessman - April 7, 2020
Edith enjoying a spring day.
though we don’t get to see any of them since we are among the “old and vulnerable”. The weather is going to warm up today and soon I will venture out to walk in the park which is near my house.

The construction project is keeping us busy and providing us a productive workout opportunity which they say is important when you are stuck at home. It also gives us a chance to use our brains and solve problems which I guess is also good for us and hopefully when we are done, we will have a nice little shop to putter in. 

The only company we have are service guys. So far, we have had the cable guy who outfitted us with badly needed internet service and the Culligan man who looked at the used water softener we are purchasing and proclaimed it just fine. Next will be a refrigerator repairman because our refrigerator is not freezing our food. These guys, of course, all create risk for catching the virus. They make me nervous though Don assures me that I’m over reacting. I hope so.