
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Leaving Palmdale

Sunset at Palmdale

Today we will be bringing in the slides, lifting up the jacks and joining the throng of Winter Texans migrating north for the season. It’s been a great winter. Long time Winter Texans say that we’ve had the best weather in memory which translates to more pool days. Local farmers might not agree as it has been pretty dry for the most part. Every day for the last couple of weeks we’ve lost a few rigs as people head “back home” somewhere in the Midwest or Canada. Today it’s our turn. We have no actual home so this is what I say when asked where we’re going. “Well… we’re going to leave here on Wednesday afternoon and head over to Mission where we will get some work done on the rig (an oil change and a chassis recall). Hopefully that will be done so we can head north on Friday. We have about 3 weeks to get to Amarillo. Then we will find a place to store the rig for a week or so and take a road trip in the car up to Minnesota for our niece’s wedding. We’ve been asked to stand in as “honorary grandparents”. It really is an honor to be asked. When we get back to the rig we will head west through New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, making a stop at Yellowstone Park for a couple of days and get to Montana by the last week of June where we will meet up with a bunch of young people for a backpacking trip in the mountains. Then we’ll come back through South Dakota and stop around Pierre where we’ll meet up with Ray, Cindy with Doreen and Harvey. The guys will go fishing and we will do whatever fishing widows do in Pierre, South Dakota. I’m sure Doreen has had practice with this. As residents of South Dakota and senior citizens, the cost of a fishing license is like $12. Then we’ll head home to Minnesota stopping along the way to renew our “My Dakota Address” membership and getting tags for our license plates.” By the time I get this far, most people have lost interest. So that is our plan… we’ll see what really happens when it happens. The really good news is that brothers Ludwig and Dick are driving to Texas and will meet up with us in San Antonio for a few days.

 March has been a busy month getting this camper ready to go and keeping up with life at Palmdale. We’ve made a couple of trips to Mexico, one to buy an antibiotic because Don was having a problem getting rid of a cough and his friend who had the same thing was diagnosed with bronchitis so we found out what he was prescribed and went to get that. The other trip was to get our teeth cleaned and get a haircut.  I’ve pretty much cleaned up the interior of the camper so it’s ready to go. Don uncovered the tires, adjust the tire pressure, checked the oil level in the wheels, lubricated whatever he could, started both the engine and the generator, and paid to have it washed. Don has been “down in the back” and having problems with fluid in one of his ears so his hearing is so bad that we missed potluck on Monday because there’s not much point in going if you can’t socialize with others. Thanks to our children we have a neti pot which we learned might help open up his eustacean tubes and allow the fluid to drain out of his middle ear. So we figured out how to use it and are hopeful for a dramatic change soon.

Some big Red Snapper
Deep Sea Fishing with Gary
We still had some complementary tickets for a bay fishing trip and so did Don’s friend Gary. So he went out on the Laguna Madre a couple of times once with Gary and then with Ray without much success. He caught a few Whiting which we fried up for dinner last night.

Ruthie with desserts at Palmdale Easter Dinner
Easter Dinner

Sparky at Palmdale Farewell Dinner 

Sparky the bad dog  

Happy Easter
Ready for Spring Break

Sparky gone for the season
Ready for the summer.

Sparky is now safely tucked away in Ray’s shed along with his props though he left a sign saying that he was “going up north to his lake home” out by the tree. It keeps getting blown over. After his big night out at the Farewell dinner he has been pretty quiet wearing his spring break beads and sitting by his Easter Basket with a bunny. No more disruptive antics lately.

Easter Sunday was our last big event in the rec hall. The park provided ham, noodles, mashed potatoes and gravy while the residents provided side dishes and desserts. It was a most excellent meal as we have many good cooks in our generation though we do tend to use a lot of carbohydrates and fat. Since Sue went back to Des Moines, I made her broccoli cheese casserole which is not too high in carbs but has plenty of butter to make up for it. I continue to read library books that I download from the internet using my library card which reminds me of one more thing I need to renew when we stop by our “home” in South Dakota.

Has anyone else noticed the difference in tone when reading a book that has been published in the last few years. One thing I’ve noticed is how different a story becomes when all of the characters have smart phones… it kind of mirrors how our lives have been changed with those devices. The other thing is “product placement”. People don’t just drive cars but they have a 2012 Honda Pilot or Mustang convertible. They don’t stop for fast food… they buy a Big Mac and Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal. Are modern authors getting paid for this kind of product placement? Can I get paid for product placement in this blog? For instance, the recipe I made for Easter had Kraft Velveeta Cheese in it…. If I mention that can I get paid? On the other hand, I don’t want to get paid for anything I do… It would just complicate my taxes again. I know I can’t make this recipe for DOM however, because my sisters won’t eat Velveeta Cheese.

One other ramble before I quit this post. Politics…. Needless to say since the place we are staying has mostly older white Midwesterners, many are pretty conservative in their politics. I accept that. Mostly we don’t talk politics which satisfies me plenty. We’ve identified the few Democrats in the park and occasionally we comment on what is going on. However, the last time I went down to the pool it was later in the afternoon and there had been some beer drinking among the inmates. Their conversation turned to liberal bashing and you know …. the suit that the left bower represents in 500. That name that I’ve heard and seen so many times that I will no longer utter it or write it and try to avoid hearing or seeing. Anyway, that lovely warm and sweet space that is the Palmdale Swimming Pool area began to feel very unsafe and hostile. I packed up my things and left with fellow Democrat Sue. I’ve thought about this whole thing and tried to figure out how a person might respond… not that day or when talking to people who have been drinking… but some other day. In a way that doesn’t create more polarization but possibly focuses on the things that both sides have in common. These people at the swimming pool I know to be kind and loving people. I personally have decided that I won’t promote or pass on ideas that demonize the other side. I don’t exactly know what to say since I have decided not to add to the polarization so most of the time I say nothing at all but that doesn’t serve to reduce the hostility.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

At Palmdale We Play

The Sparky saga continues. Since we acquired him 2 days before Christmas he has been an ongoing conversation here at Palmdale. I will attempt to post a chronological set of pictures of all the mischief that has involved Sparky since he came to us.

Our new dog!

Sorry about that Santa.

Party Animal.

Poor Sparky can't reach his dish.
Oh no!

Oh No! Not the pink flamingo!

So much for that shoe.
Sparky raised $2.17 and gave it to the resident's association.
Dog gone missing.

Kind neighbors.

His most recent and most talked about adventure took place last week. On Friday, Sparky disappeared from our patio. On Saturday, we put the following poster around Palmdale and Sparky. This caused much consternation and worry among many residents and much speculation about what possibly could have happened. Don insisted that we communicate our confusion as to what could have happened to him but I had a hard time with that when some residents were really worried that there was a dog thief amongst us. Don said all then needed to do was read the poster and they would know that it was just another one of Sparky’s escapades. We received a very nice gift bag with a stuffed dog with a dog toy and a note that said, “Come home Sparky”. Another person suggested that Sparky had run off with a Chihuahua and was going to make us grandparents or he took off down Hwy. 100 to South Padre Island for Spring Break and was sitting on the beach drinking tequila or more likely both of those things. A typed note in our mailbox blamed that “fat man in lot 154” had run over him with a golf cart and was covering it up. We checked it out. No one lives at 154 so that was all a hoax. It was getting out of hand. It seemed I couldn’t go anywhere without someone asking or talking about Sparky. Even after 5 days people were still asking me if someone really stole my dog believing that he was a flesh and blood dog including service people who came into the park to fix something. And then we got really busy and didn’t have time to set up for Sparky to come home. On Thursday after line dancing, we had the Shuffleboard Tournament which lasted from 10:30 AM until about 3:30 in the afternoon. It was hot out and I wanted to spend a little time by the pool. Then yesterday, we got up at 5:30 to go on a deep sea fishing excursion. Well that didn’t work out but we did drive about an hour away and then hung out until 8 AM till we heard definitively that it was canceled. By then I had my one-day fishing license. So after we came home I suggested to Don that he and I go surf fishing so we did that and came home with enough fish for the 2 of us to have a nice fish dinner.  So it wasn’t until this morning that we were able to get Sparky back and explain his absence. Palmdale residents have been really great in regards to Sparky and have frequently mentioned that they wished they had taken earlier pictures. They are sharing the story with friends back home. So I’m trying to put it all here. Someone I talked to said that people might think that the people are all a little crazy when it comes to Sparky. I said that I think it is just for fun. I said when I talk to my friends up north I just say, “At Palmdale we play.” That is what we do here.

Time is beginning to run out here and our next step is to make a list of things we need to do with this camper to get ready for our summer adventures to the north. After we leave here we will begin to head in a westerly direction and go north through Utah and Idaho ending up in the Billings, Montana area the last week of June where we will meet up with some of the younger generation for a mountain backpacking adventure to Mystic Lake.

In the meantime we will continue to enjoy the Palmdale routine. In the end, we will need to find a new home for Sparky here at Palmdale since we don’t need to continue doing this.