As long as we’ve owned this bus, the refrigerator has had a
water problem. Water seems to run down the back and accumulate under the
chrispers. We checked it out and determined that a little hole in the back was
supposed to be draining this water outside. It’s not a normal fridge. It
operates on propane, 12V or 110AC depending on what is available in case you
think that it is not supposed to have a water drip. So we set about fixing it
and removed the back panel which is on the outside of the bus and found a drain
hose that was falling apart…. Clearly the cause of our water problem, a cheap
and easy to replace part. There was one of those plastic tie straps holding it
on in a place where we could feel it but couldn’t see it if we put our hand on
it. Also there was no room to operate a tool once we got our hand in there. After
a day of trying to get to it I finally got it cut. Then we had the tools spread
out on the table trying to find what we needed to replace the tie strap with a hose
clamp. I was standing on the cement pad that we call the patio in my flip
flops. All of a sudden my ankles felt like they were on fire. I looked down to
see my feet swarming with ants. I brushed them off and ran into the camper. My
ankles continued to sting and burn for several minutes and a welt began to
form. I had no compunction at all and
didn’t care to know of any environmental warning labels on the product provided
by the park office. I was happy to treat the ant hill right next to the patio
with the poison. Now I know about fire ants and why they have that name. The
existence of these ants needs to be kept from those who interrogate terrorists.
We did get the hose replaced but that has not solved the problem in the
refrigerator. We still have water under the chrispers. Fortunately, we have time
to solve this problem.
Tonight we are going to a dinner and dance which is being
put on at the office. I will wear my skirt just in case there is an opportunity
to dance.
Last year, when we were in Florida, Edie stood on a fire-ant hill for a couple of minutes before we realized what was happening and rushed to brush away the dozens of ants. Her skin showed a few bites, but she didn't react at all. Either she was having too much fun to care, or she's not very allergic. Still, we'll try to be more vigilant this year. The tropics and near-tropics seem so effortless, compared to our dangerous cold, until you remember how many things there can hurt/kill you. I hope you don't have any more run-ins with ants! Tell us about the dance please!