
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Pool Culture

Finally, this week the sun is shining and temperature is getting near 80 degrees. So, on Monday while Don was golfing, I put on my suit, packed a towel, stopped at the library for a book to read and headed to the pool. Speaking of that, I think I will do that again and come back to writing when it starts to rain.

I’m back.. a little browner and further into the book. I’m getting to know my next door neighbor, Max who is also a pool-side mystery reader. The ritual is to set up in a chaise with a bottle of water, sun screen, a novel and a big towel. After about 30 minutes of sun exposure, slather yourself with sunscreen. Surprisingly, sunscreen with SPF ratings of 10 and 15 are not unusual. We still fancy ourselves looking lovely and tan. When you get too warm, get in the pool and hang out and listen to gossip. I learned the first day that this is the place to air any grievances you have with the way Palmdale is managed. There are problems getting them to keep the pool warm enough or the hot tub cool enough. There is a serious problem around the dumpsters that has been going on for a very long time and it never gets fixed. The improvements on one of the roads that was started a few weeks ago is a problem and there is no reason that they can’t be out there fixing it. There are people who don’t want the association to front the cost of the pork butts for the barbecue in February and there isn’t any reason not to do that because the association gets paid back when tickets are sold. There are also people who are crazy enough to believe that the association has a secret $30,000 CD which is crazy because the only income the association has comes from 50/50 drawings at various events around here. I also heard a snide remark one person made about another who had just left. Junior High is never really over. So even at Palmdale, things are rough.

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